

Meet Lisa Woods

I’m a practical spiritualist, which translates into being able to traverse the head + the heart easily — the intellectual + the spiritual realms, the outward + inward parts of us — to help bring balance.

My professional life centered on the driven, high-achieving world. This is the outward, what we ‘do’ in life. I spent decades in executive management working with accomplished leaders and elected officials who needed a strategic and trusted listener + advisor, someone to ask guiding questions to help them create their own solutions. Truthfully, they already knew the answers. I provided a safe and trusted space for them to express themselves openly and sometimes vulnerably to tap into that inner knowing and be more grounded or ‘sure’ of it – with a little guidance from me to go deeper or reflect on what they were expressing. All these pieces hold true in coaching, as well. It is hard for many of us to find a secure space where we can be our most human selves, to look at the parts of ourselves that are confusing or irritating or patterns that are in the way of us moving forward — and to express all of this without judgment or someone telling us what to do.

The spiritual part? That’s the inward piece, the ‘who’ we are beyond the do-ing. For me, this is the cosmic speck, a belief in God / Spirit / Universe / Creator / Source / (insert your own word), the cosmos, synchronicity, mysticism, signs, connection, spiritual ecology, intuition, oneness, the heart, callings from the soul…and pieces I haven’t yet learned about. I believe each of us has a unique way of defining and weaving spirituality into our own lives to support us, awaken us to more love + joy, help us remember our sureness, connect us to our truest selves, and provide a knowing and discernment that is unflappable. 

Finally, I believe in balance — bringing together our head + heart, the outward + inward — for ‘wholeness.’ I believe we all know there’s more meaning to be discovered and experienced in life, beyond the high energy and excitement of work that can also be exhausting and lonely at times. Part of what prompted my pursuit of spiritual life coaching is the veracity of this previous statement. I find this far truer during this period of experiencing tinges (or stresses) of uncertainty and change — and questioning the ways we have been living over the past few decades (or longer). The underlying question many times is: Isn’t there more to life than this? Yes, yes, there is.

I have several training program certifications that inform + enhance my coaching. This includes Spiritual + Advanced Life Coaching, Deep Transformational Coaching, and Health+Wellness Coaching — all accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I am also a Certified Mindfulness Instructor (CMI) through MNDFL, a program created by Zen priest, Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams. My Clifton Strengths are Strategic, Futuristic, Maximizer, Connectedness, Individualization, Activator, and Relator.

Seeing the Forest for the Trees, With Flickers of Light

After spending 2020 inside my head and listening to my heart, watching the world tear apart and slowly piece itself back together, I decided to change my focus. No longer the strategic consultant with ‘all the answers,’ my new role is as a partner, teaming up with those who desire to deeply shift their focus from a place of uncertainty to one of hope – for themselves and our world.

My greatest focus is to guide those who seek to shift their perceptions of self and benefit humanity — with connection, grounding, and sureness at the core. This focus lays a compassionate foundation that helps to shed light more gently on our roles during these times of great change  shifts within ourselves and the outside world — especially among a new and emerging generation of leaders. 

If you identify with the above or are curious about what it means, email me to schedule a time to talk at no charge. I would love to hear your ideas + dreams, passions + fears, and I look forward to partnering with you to help you on your path, creating your own way, and aligning your head and heart to achieve your goals and do more goodOur world needs more of it — our world needs more of you.

If you have time, this video provides a great view into both my view of and the practice of spiritual life coaching. Much gratitude to Behind Her Brand for elevating a diversity of women’s voices! 

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin